10 Feng Shui Mirror Placement in Your House

10 Feng Shui Mirror Placement in Your House
Mirrors are robust feng shui components that are known for doubling or reflecting energies in a space. Proper placement is very important to let the good energy flow naturally throughout your home. If you are a feng shui lover, or you’re just seeking a balanced feel in your home, the pros’ mirror placement tricks will pull you into the realm of the good vibes. Feng shui is all about properly arranged space and objects, which reflects the interrelation between human life and the environment. A well-organized home often aligns with feng shui principles, contributing to a sense of balance and natural energy flow.
Below are 10 feng shui mirror placement in your house to keep in mind for a more peaceful and inviting home environment:
1. No Mirrors in the Kitchen
Experts do not recommend mirror placement in the kitchen, especially at the place opposite to the stove. A mirror reflecting the stove can bring in negative energy, thus, leading to the disharmony in the home. At the very least, if you are thinking of using a mirrored backsplash, it is better to reconsider the location for better energy flow.
2. Stay Away from Mirrored Fronts of the Table
Keep the mirrors not directly opposite to the desk but a bit near. DFS calculations indicate that there is a chance of the formula causing tasks to be routed twice. The item is two times bigger than the formula weekly mean value. Also you will have a 100% error on that instance. Enjoy the environment even if some lights are off.
3. Enhance Dining Rooms Using Mirrors
These are the perfect spaces for mirrors because dining rooms in feng shui terms symbolize wealth and abundance. Also, adding a mirror here turns the capabilities of wealth attraction on for you as it echoes back wealth into your life.
4. Reflect Beauty Not Clutter
Be conscious of what is important to you surrounded by mirrors. Benko, one Fengshui expert, suggests putting mirrors in such a way that they reflect beautiful views of things like gardens and art works. Enjoy the serene surroundings of your living or working space. Steer clear of a potential problem by keeping the mirrors away from anything that would make them reflect the opposite, such as clutter or bills.
5. Place Mirrors Perpendicular to the Front Door
Feng shui masters claim that using a mirror directly in front of the front door is not allowed. Instead, mount it on a wall perpendicular to the entrance. In this manner, you can maintain a positive flow of energy and increase your chances in your life. Laura Benko, the author of The Holistic Home, claims that hanging a mirror with the help of visualization can bring about a great change in the way the energy flows towards greater effusion and diffusion, thus creating prosperity.
6. Mirrors in the Living Room Are The Energy Generator of a Place
Living room mirrors that are strategically placed can intensify the energy in the room by reflecting the guests, who are enjoying the time together. Are your visitors dealing with tough situations in their life or they are having negative thoughts? Mirrors could easily enhance these emotions if that is the case.
7. Hang Mirrors on Walls in the Hallways, but Do It Carefully
Hallways are the best place to put mirrors when you want to make the space appear bigger and have more light coming in. Forcing energy is a side effect of this and end of the hallway, it can impede energy flow. The lateral placement of windows and doors (which also the same materials that we finally projected) the same as in their normal direction or on the back of platforms are nice various steps to change the narrowness of the hallway. Max the experience for that narrow space become wider and brighter.
8. Avoid Mirrors Facing Toilets
According to Feng Shui, toilets and mirrors are not good, especially if there is a direct alignment of them. Inadequately placed mirrors near the toilet tend to create discomfort and cook up extra nasty energy. It is unarguable. To steer clear of the acute angles of the razor-sharp Earth Elements, use solid walls without windows next to the toilet. Alternatively, use a mirror facing north to redirect the harsher element of energy and still will gain the benefit of the Factor of Alignment/equilibrium. The mirror on the east wall reflects the lamp over there and helps to appease the menacing effect of the razor-sharp building. Red color seems to be the word for success and well-being in feng shui since it fights demons. Forget bathrooms in the direction of the four cardinal points when it comes to negative energy. Similarly, the eastern bathroom should be accentuated with color.
9. Be Cautious with Mirrors in Bedrooms
Bedroom mirrors are not recommended to be used as a fast and easy solution. If you have problems with mirrors in the bedroom, the first thing to do is look for light sources and see if your brain has problems with reflections that could disturb you. For instance, to get sufficient you might have to pull the covers over the mirrors for a couple of nights otherwise you might fade out your sleep. Let me remind you that mirrors transmit the energy in a certain way. If some energy is leaving your room and coming back, this resort centers on the reform of putting that energy to you rather than the mirror. Experts advise to put a mirror in a closet’s sliding door, but that is only allowable if the closet is not scattered, as mirrors reflect what they see.
10. Do Not Place Mirrors Above Beds, Sofas or Chairs
Do not hang mirrors directly on top of the bed, sofa, or chair. According to feng shui expert Marianne Gordon, this situation makes people think they are not safe when there are heavy objects above them. Home is the safe place where people are supposed to feel secure.
By abiding by these feng shui guidelines regarding the donation of mirrors not only you can do this but also you will achieve the free of flow of positive. Do not only consider that they as well reflect both the good and the bad. In the end, the principles you find in feng shui can be a good direction, but don’t neglect your feelings and well-being in space which are also to be considered.