Unlocking the Feng Shui Money Corner of Your Home: How to Attract Prosperity and Abundance

Unlocking the Feng Shui Money Corner of Your Home: How to Attract Prosperity and Abundance
Feng shui remains a foremost topic when it comes to attracting wealth and abundance into a person’s own life. Feng shui is an ancient Chinese practice that states that each part of your home has a specific area of your life that it affects directly. In feng shui design, there’s a special place known as the “Wealth Corner” which is responsible for your wealth, abundance, and even your self-worth. Thinking about activating this power zone? Let’s learn about the very essence of it, with the use of the bagua as a tool.
What is the Feng Shui Money Corner?
By the way in case you do not know what feng shui is, in feng shui bagua is used as a map of the energy in the house. Think of it like a source of energy that has 3 pieces of a 3×3 grid, with every part of it being equivalent to a separate life area, for instance, love, career, health, and the one—you were on the right track—wealth! This particular area is called “Xun” in Chinese and is referred to as the wealth or money corner. It is the main energy of wealth that you have, and it adds to your being prosperous, wealthy and having all you need.
Along with wealth that represents the right credit of who you are, if this area is activated then the problem is solved. Sacred geometry is everywhere you look, and activating this area and using it in your home can change your life.
How to Find the Money Corner of Your Home
Tips to Activate and Enhance Your Money Corner
Once you’ve identified your wealth corner, it’s time to work your feng shui magic! Here are some powerful tips to help you activate this area and welcome more wealth and prosperity into your life:
1. Declutter and Repair
Before adding any enhancements, make sure the wealth corner is clean, organized, and free of clutter. Broken items or chipped furniture in this space could symbolize a lack of care for your finances or your own self-worth. Fix or remove any items that are not in good condition to create a fresh start.
2. Make use of Purple Energy
In feng shui, the function of colors is not limited to the aesthetics of the surroundings, but they have specific effects on the space. Purple represents the wealth area, so its addition to the premises generates the flow of prosperity energy. One option might be by introducing purple wall art, pillows, or a vase with fresh tulips.
3. Include Lush Green Plants
The leafy green agricultures which are the plant world’s embodiments and the essential sustenance of feng shui are an alternative representative. The sustainability of your corner ought not to limit a variety of hues of green. Choose sturdy green plants that will mirror the youthful and abundant energy you wish to manifest in your finances. One popular pick is the Pilea Peperomioides. It is also referred to as the Money tree, Coin plant, or Jade plant. These plants carry a note of prosperity and deep wealth.
4. Decorate in Green and Blue
The wood element of the colors green and blue as they are representing the fertile and lush areas of the nature which are the residencies of the wealth corner. The use of these colors in your decor stimulates the growth and healing. Whether it’s a wall painted solid green or a vase of bright blue, these colors are your wealth corner’s medicine. Kids can run and play whereas, you are also happy with your kids, the whole family is healthy.