How to Arrange Your Bedroom for Good Feng Shui

How to Arrange Your Bedroom for Good Feng Shui
If you are going for an enhancement of the house’s energy trajectory, then one of the areas that you would wish to look into is the bedroom. Feng Shui, the age-old Chinese art of space arranging, believes that it will affect your relationships, your health, your comfort, and your overall well-being in a positive way. A vast expanse under the sky. Privacy was considered a blessing but now, the situation is different and everyone needs it. People have privacy in their rooms and that is the main reason they are showing interest in finding feng shui bedroom.
The bedroom is the most important of all rooms in Feng Shui. The position of the mirrors or the bed is the most powerful in creating the desired peace and tranquility in your room. It is one of the main areas that need your assistance.
Below are the change-implementing recommendations on How to Arrange Your Bedroom for Good Feng Shui, and what to exclude in order to keep your serene space free of bad energy.
The Ideal Bed Direction in Feng Shui
For an ideal feng shui setup, the number one way to go is to put your bed where it faces South. On the other hand, the top priority is to be in the “first position.” This means you should be in the position where you can see the bedroom door from your bed, but refrain from setting it exactly in the front of the door. Instead make a mirror to portray the door image from your bed.
Feng Shui Essentials for Your Bedroom
Simpler is always better when it comes to brining balance and ease to your bedroom. The talk should be about the basics: bed with soft, high-quality linens, a solid headboard, and a calm rug on the ground. Get Rid Of The Disorder, Ban And Equipment, And Also Do Not Just Leave Things Laying Here And There.
Avoid Unfavorable Bed Placement
A very important Feng Shui rule is that the bed should not face the door. Placing your bed in that way makes a “coffin position,” which will make your feet go straight out by the door—very inconvenient for the distribution of energy.
5 Feng Shui Bedroom Rules:
1. Position Your Bed in the Commanding Position
Properly arrange your bed, where you spend about a third of your life, to create a positive flow of energy. Ensure your bed faces the door without being directly in line with it, especially avoiding the coffin position. It’s also best to place your headboard against a solid wall and avoid placing the bed under a window.
2. Invest in a Solid Headboard
A strong headboard symbolizes stability and support, particularly in relationships. Option for a solid headboard with soft edges, securely attached to create a sense of security.
3. Clear Space Beneath the Bed
Keep the area under your bed free of clutter to allow energy (or “qi”) to flow smoothly. Avoid storing anything that disrupts restful energy, like shoes or luggage. Soft, sleep-related items such as extra linens are ideal for under-bed storage.
4. Minimize Electronics in the Bedroom
Reducing the presence of electronics like televisions, computers, and mobile phones helps promote healthier energy and better sleep. Consider using an old-fashioned alarm clock and swapping screen time for reading before bed.
5. Place Mirrors Appropriately
Proper mirror placement is essential for good feng shui in your bedroom. Avoid placing your mirror where it would face your bed. Next, put mirrors in places that would reflect nice things (i.e. reflecting the trees outside). Finally, avoid using broken mirrors.