How to Hang Feng Shui Mirrors for Good Fortune in Your Home

How to Hang Feng Shui Mirrors for Good Fortune in Your Home
Feng Shui is an ancient Chinese practice that is deeply rooted in the belief that Qi, the vital energy that flows through our environment, must be directed and harnessed in order for one to live a harmonious life. Regardless of whether you embrace the spiritual facets of this philosophy or not, Feng Shui provides practical advice for the creation of balanced, peaceful spaces that are instrumental in one’s well-being and that also may even add value to the house of your home.
The most potent tools among the various instruments in Feng Shui are the mirrors. Their location may be used to either magnify the positive qi in your home, or on the other hand, they may be used to diffuse the energy flow whether you are dealing with the physical condition or you are addressing the mental feelings. Discover how to hang Feng Shui mirrors for good fortune and enhance positive energy flow in your home. Here is a way to ensure that your mirrors bring in positive vibrations and are well-tuned with your space:
Why Feng Shui Mirror so Important?
Mirrors are highly prized in Feng Shui as they have the potential to exert influence on people’s personal energies. A mirror’s reflecting surface is transforming the image of yourself that defines both you and your living space. Hence, correctness of its location is the most crucial point. Misplaced mirrors have the potential to disrupt sleeping patterns, scurry thoughts or cause quantum confusion amidst the dream state or free movement, though on the same vein, rightfully places can and will make your life more beautiful and cleaner.
1. Ensure Clarity
Mirrors showing your picture are like the mirror of your soul which affects your attitude towards yourself. When you see the mirror every day and it is not well kept with dust or getting scratches on it, then it can ruin the self-image in your mind, hence making it negative. Regularly cleaning your mirror is a must if you want to maintain a clear and confident mindset.
2. Choose the Right Size
The concept of “you and the planet” being in a state of harmony is one of the basic principles of Feng Shui. If a mirror is too small or if it doesn’t show the whole body, it can be associated with a thinking process that is cut, or the mirror can even cause physical discomfort like headaches. Big, full-length mirrors that show the whole body and make one feel complete and connected would be the only choice to suggest.
3. Limit the Number of Feng Shui Mirrors
When a room is loaded with mirrors, it can become hard to relax. An overdoing room with mirrors and a repetition of images can confuse your perception and orientation to some extent. That’s why one Feng Shui guideline gets through maintaining each to one per wall and restraining them from being on opposite walls. The latter could be quite an energy storm.
4. Reflect Beauty
The natural beauty that mirrors have to offer is, with no doubt, a special one, which doubles the energy of any kind of object it reflects. But besides, beautiful nature always bring a certain peace of mind and the more it reflects, the better that feeling spreads. For example, placing a mirror in such an ideal location where you can see a beautiful panorama like a garden or a collected antistress book can make the above-mentioned emotions elevate through your space. This tool allows people to request more of what they are content with and want.
5. Be Mindful of the Front Door
One of the most well-known principles of Feng Shui is to not put a mirror right in front of the front door. It is said that if you do so, the positive energies coming to your home can just reflect back out the front door and therefore, they get blocked and do not move back and forth through your space. In reality, however, the first thing you notice when you walk through the front door is your image in the mirror. This might be unsetting and even help you make the transition from hectic world to tranquil house.
6. Promote Restful Sleep
To get the stated amount of restful sleep, it is best to avoid setting up mirrors that reflect the bed where we are sleeping. Feng Shui studies indicate that this could be the cause of disturbed energy during the night. Besides, you don’t want to see a reflection of yourself when you are partially sleeping. Therefore, hiding or moving the mirror away is an easy way of creating the serene environment which is a cornerstone of your peaceful sleep.
Simple tips are to be considered in order to be able to let mirrors become the energy enhancer in your home, a place that will suit your well-being and promoting harmony in your life. By taking care of the right mirror placement you will come to realize, not only in terms of of the house but in your personal bizarre you feel the difference.