Optimizing Feng Shui Office Desk Placement

Optimizing Feng Shui Office Desk Placement
Office desks are often the setting of long hours, and they have a direct impact on our health, well-being, and productivity. The Feng Shui design principles provide the perfect energy field to empower the work environment through a sequence of items that can be harmonized. This technique is used to organize the working area through the placement of the office furniture. Applying Feng Shui methods will cause the flow of positive chi into your office, which is ultimately your vitality and work performance are on the up.
Optimizing location for an L-shaped desk can be quite a challenge. However, by following two main guidelines, one can quickly place the desk for the maximum Feng Shui benefits.
1. Face a Lucky Feng Shui Direction
According to Feng Shui, each person has four fortunate directions that bring them prosperity and success and four that can drain their energy. How are they determined? Well, your good directions are represented by your Kua number, which is estimated from your birth day and gender.
How to Calculate Your Kua Number:
This is how women before the year 2000 calculate: Take the last two digits of your birth year, the number of which will be only one or two digits. Then add these two numbers together to make a single digit. Be sure to add 5 after finding your this number if necessary, and reduce it to a single digit. Example: If born in 1988, add 8+8=16, then 1+6=7. Add 7+5=12, then 1+2=3. The Kua number is 3.
Another example: If born in 1988, 8+8=16, then 1+6=7. Add 7+5=12, then 1+2=3. So, the Kua number is 3.
For girls born after 2000, do as above but carrying out the process: 6 is used in place of 5.
Guys whose birthdates are before the 2000s. Start with the last two birth year digits, add them, and condition the number, if the sum is tinier than 10, to one digit. Use 10 to take this absolute of 10. E.g., if born in 1988, add 8+8=16, then 1+6=7. 7-10 gives a Kua number of 3.
Another example: If born in 1988, add 8+8=16, then 1+6=7. Subtract 7 from 10, which gives a Kua number of 3.
For guys after the year 2000 subtract 9 from the number found in the previous step instead of 10.
Once you have your Kua number, use the Feng Shui compass to figure out which way your lucky directions are. The most suitable direction for an energy adjustment at your workplace is to use a kind of desk that is designed at an angle of ninety degrees. Doing this means that the desk is directly facing the lucky directions, in other words, wealth, success, and personal development.
2. Position Your Desk in the Command Position
It is essential to set the command position as one of the fundamental Feng Shui principles in the case of the placement of the working or sleeping area in the room. The aim is to let the feeling of protective and supportive energy come to you, which in turn will lead to the improvement of your health, vitality, and productivity.
The first step to getting into the command position of your L-shaped desk is to abbreviate the following:
Your desk should be placed as far away from the door as possible.
You should be able to see the door but not in line with it.
A strong wall should be the background of your seat to ensure stability and security.
For an L-shaped table, the main part where you sit should exactly meet the above requirements. Opt for a configuration where you are looking directly at the door and are supported by the wall, as opposed to huge or hollow spaces behind you.
3. Enhance Your Office’s Energy Flow
Implementing Feng Shui desk placement in your workspace can bring in more positive energy and help you to stay focused on your tasks resulting in the highest efficiency among staff, improved productivity and a better sense of personal well-being By placing your desk so that it faces your lucky directions and pointing it to the command position, you ensure that you are stepping into your work life with success and prosperity.